Political Soapbox v. Piano Technology

Conrad Hoffsommer hoffsoco@martin.luther.edu
Fri, 01 Dec 2000 17:28:18 -0600

At 16:17 12/01/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>Dear Friends,
>Many of you seem to have misplaced your "Political Soapbox List" address, 
>and are mistakenly posting such opinions here.
>It's so much more pleasant when we discuss piano technology on this list.

With all due respect, Pat, I understand your frustration at what has become 
a thread that just won't go away. If I may, I'd like to try to make some 
relevance between this political discussion and piano technicians.

All of us work hard for our money.  It could be, and has been, argued that 
we work too hard for too little money.  All of us, if we have the least 
intelligence, have been planning and looking forward to if not outright 
retirement, then at least a slowing down of business activity.  (For me 
that will be in only about ten years.)  To that end, many of us have been 
squirreling away money to allow that retirement.

Perhaps we should discuss retirement plans and or good options for other 
financial plans.  If you have stock, 401K or any other traded financial 
instrument get on line and check out what the market uncertainty has cost 
you since 11/7/00.  http://finance.northernlight.com/fp.asp or 
http://public.wsj.com/home.html   Go ahead, I'll wait.
There, wasn't that fun?
Gore's ostrich posture with regard to the count, recount and partial 
re-recount results has dried up domestic and foreign investment.   Not 
since my divorce has messing around by one person so negatively affected my 
retirement funds.

Bottom line _is_ piano related.  Presidential succession (or lack therof) 
is affecting bottom line.   Therefore...

Conrad Hoffsommer - mailto:hoffsoco@luther.edu
*They call television a medium. That's because it is neither rare nor well 
*98% of the population is asleep. The other 2% are staring around in 
complete amazement, abject terror, or both.

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