Pin Torque

Stan Kroeker
Fri, 01 Dec 2000 15:06:16 -0600


Thanks for an excellent question!  The one tool which takes up an
inordinate amount of space in my Genck toolcase is my torque wrench. 
Since rebuilding/reconditioning constitutes a large portion of my
business, I need this tool at the ready to demonstrate pin torque to
clients.  Incidentally the wrench has a dial indicator with a needle
which maintains the reading after removing the wrench from the pin.  It
is made by Proto (model 6177A) and costs $$$!

I take readings on several pins across the scale and always measure in
the counter-clockwise direction (in the direction of string pull).  I
have established 50 inchpounds in this direction as the minimum standard
for pin torque (anyone care to comment on this standard?).  Below this
and repair is recommended to the client.  


Stan Kroeker
Registered Piano Technician wrote:
> Seeking confirmation on the basis of tuning pin torque specs.  This
> would be for the sake of comparing numbers from this list.
> There may not be a large variation either way, but am curious to
> know if these inch-pound measurements are:
> -taken while the pins are strung?
> -if so, in which direction.  Tensioning, or loosening?
> Thanks,
> Chris Woodward

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