Two Piano Tuners

Clyde Hollinger
Fri, 01 Dec 2000 16:06:41 -0500


At a book sale my daughter picked up a kid's storybook titled "Two Piano
Tuners" by M. B. Goffstein, published in 1970.  I will readily admit
that I am not very knowledgeable when it comes to pianists, or piano
technicians of that era, and I was wondering if the names the author
chose for her characters were take-offs of anyone who really existed.

Does anyone know of any of these real or imaginary characters?  The
dedication is "To my husband and our memory of Walter Hupfer."  The
piano tuner is Reuben Weinstock (the best piano tuner in the world), the
pianists mentioned are Isaac Lipman and Walter Bernheimer, and a client
down the street is Mrs. Perlman.

I must say, the author really understood piano tuning, did a lot of
research, or had a real tuner look over her manuscript.  She was really
on target.


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