Variable overpull percentage (was: Finishing where you started)

Michel Lachance
Fri, 01 Dec 2000 09:21:37 -0500

> > A step further for even more precision in a pitch raise is to adjust the 
> > overpull percentage according to the section of the piano (less in the > 
>bass, much more at the tenor break, etc.). RCT is the only technology that 
> > I know that has that feature. > Regards, > Michel Lachance, RPT
>The SAT has it as well.
>Dave Peake, RPT

No offense meant Dave and I thank you for straighten things up. I have owed 
a SAT II and I know that the overpull percentage is fixed for that machine 
(20% throughout or so).  If it is different for the SAT III, I beg you to 
update my knowledtge on that respect.

For example, if both strings each side of the tenor break are 10 cents flat, 
RCT will raise the wound string by 12% over target pitch, and the lowest 
plain wire string by 32% over target pitch, because practice tells us that 
you need different overpull on those strings for an optimal pitch 
correction.  That's why you have to tell RCT where the lowest plain wire 
note is before you start tuning.  The overpull percentage varies throuhout 
the keyboard (as well as the pitch offsets...) depending of the section of 
the piano, according to statistics made on actual experiments on pitch 
raises.  And you even have the option to change the overpull percentage 
chart if you find that a particular piano reacts differently to an overpull.

So, for the sake of my own education, I would be grateful you tell me what 
the variable overpull percentages are on a SAT III and how you tell the 
machine where the lowest plain wire note is.


Michel Lachance, RPT

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