Very interesting. Thanks. Newton Conrad Hoffsommer wrote: > Sounds like the normal method of breaking off the tail of a harpsichord > string, but I too never had that great luck with the thicker and stiffer > piano stuff. > > When putting a German knot on a single string I use an old tuning pin with > a screw mounted 7mm below the becket hole. I used an old damper head screw > - nice big head which holds the wire real well. > > I slip it on the end of the wire, (screw toward end) then form the loop > (270) with round jaw pliers. (above or below depending on whether I want > left or right coil and tail) Then, with loop still held by pliers, all I > have to do is twirl the tuning pin with the tail caught beneath the > screwhead. Number of turns and direction the tail winds up are easily > controlled. Then I cut off the excess tail. Put string on the hitchpin > and cut to approximate length and you get your tuning pin back... > > Conrad Hoffsommer - Music Technician > Luther College (319)-387-1204 > Decorah, Iowa 52101-1045 > > The best things in life aren't things.
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