Judy, Filing down the sharps......."country piano tuners quick fix" ! Although Rogers method is much more work, it does address the "real" problem. Bob Moffatt Calgary, Alberta Roger Jolly wrote: > Hi Judy, > Make a saw kerf in the centre, about half way through. Glue > one or two pieces of veneer in the kerf. You will probably have to hold one > end of the board in a vice to bend it straight before fitting the veneer > shims. > PS you should dry fit the veneers and check for straightness before gluing. > Regards Roger > > At 05:27 PM 14/02/99 -0800, you wrote: > >Dear list, > > > > Recently I serviced a Chickering console where the nameboard strip > >was bowed in the center and the sharps were knocking on it. It was only > >anchored to the cheek blocks,with no anchor in the middle of the > >keyboard. I tried moving the postion of the screws in the cheek blocks, > >but I don't have to much room to play.The sharps still knock in the > >middle of the keyboard.I'm at a loss on how to fix this problem. Any > >ideas.? Thanks > > Judy Kazanjian > > associate{soon to be RPT} > > Reading-Lancaster Chapter > > > >______________________________________________________ > >Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com > > > Roger Jolly > Baldwin Yamaha Piano Centre > Saskatoon and Regina > Saskatchewan, Canada. > 306-665-0213 > Fax 652-0505
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