No Shows

Fri, 31 Dec 1999 16:43:26 EST

In a message dated 12/31/1999 11:49:45 AM, Clyde wrote:

<<I like Wim's attitude of not getting too bent out of shape over failed
appointments, even though none of us likes them.>>

 I differ slightly in that I always 'send' a bill for missed appointments. 
However I do not keep track of who pays and who doesn't and never make a 
follow up call to try and collect.  This, in my opinion, does two things. 1. 
It allows any customers of good will and honorable intentions to make their 
excuses/apologies/misunderstandings known and reschedule if they desire. 2. 
It makes known to the customer that my time is valuable too and that this is 
just not a hobby for me.
  As a practical matter missed/failed appts 'is' a part of doing business, as 
others have said,   .....what we do about it tells us more about ourselves 
than it does about our customers :-)
Jim Bryant (FL)

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