Help on repairs!!

Fri, 31 Dec 1999 14:57:20 EST

    I've been reading all the great responses to this problem, and I though 
I'd add a solution I learned from Ray Chandler, maybe 5 years or so ago (he 
was at Kawai at the time, I'm not sure where he is now).  He explained that 
the light console action was indeed the cause of the problem and his fix was 
to bend the back checks in a little.  Actually, he said get the hammers 
checking as close to the strings as possible, but I've found that even a 
small adjustment can be enough.  Doing this allows a little more time for the 
jack to return under the butt.  I've used this fix when everything else like 
springs, actions centers, and regulation checks out, and it works every time. 
 IMO, It feels better than adding weights too.  

    I'm usually lurker, but I thought I'd take the opportunity to give back a 
little for a change.  Happy New Year!

Bill Costanzo
Rochester NY

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