tuner's responsibility. was Re: Dishonest Dealers

Roger C Hayden rchayden2@juno.com
Thu, 30 Dec 1999 08:29:46 -0800

Hey Guys,

Think about this.  There are too few dealers, so to rat on the dealers
hurts us all, but to do nothing is also hurting us all.  What's needed
most is for people to change their minds.  The good book calls it

By all means inform owners of the truth about their instruments, but it
is also useful for us to go to the dealers descretly, and in private
conversation inform them of their 'buyers' misunderstandings.  Get the
dealers to do a better job of selling. And especially get them to do a
better job in prepping their instruments, many I've run into don't know
much about pianos.

It would also help if dealers didn't deal in junk, so help them to know
when a piano sale hurts the whole industry.  Frankly I think we ought to
investigate to find out if anybody plays certain makes of pianos after
they buy them??  I'll bet there's a pattern out there.  Poor instruments
have little pleasure in them, but the owner thinks it's their own desire
to play that's at fault. 

Better pianos, better desire, better pianists, better music, better
sales, better service, it's all connected.

Roger Hayden, RPT

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