Trouble setting string

Richard Moody
Thu, 23 Dec 1999 10:58:27 -0600

 from Bill Gerow, who is not on the List.  
> I sometimes have to move the hammer a distance of "10
> minutes" before I notice a pitch change. I am banging the key and
> happens. 

In a grand piano there is the "ski slope" as one old timer called it. 
That is the felt between the agraffe and the t pin that the string slides
over.   The strings get rusty and hang up on  the felt.   I used to use
WD40, even though two tuners I knew were death on it.   Sprayed it into
the cap and used a water color brush. (the over spray was part of the
problem with using WD)  Now I use Protek CLP in the small hypo oiler.  and
lots of elbow grease tuning after.  Its still wrestle mania but at least
the strings render easier.  I did a grand as you describe in a country
church  and checked it 5 weeks later (this weekend)    It is not heated
execpt when used, so the temp varies 40 to 50 degrees on that piano..   It
held better than I thought, execpt for one unison.

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