More on Dishonest Dealers

Robert Goodale
Mon, 20 Dec 1999 20:25:19 -0600

Wimblees@AOL.COM wrote:

> Rob:
> I agree with many of the responses that said to turn this matter over to the
> AG. But before you do turn this dealer in for fraud, you had better be sure
> there is fraud. If this dealer is as savvy with the law as you say he is,
> he'll sue you if he finds out you're behind the investigation, especially if
> it turns out he is not doing anything wrong.

Thanks to all who have responded to this topic.  I agree with the above entirely.  As I had said in the original post, I
have personally never seen one of these but I am confident that it is not rumor.  The stories I here about this dealer's
attitude and practices seem wide spread and I have no reason to believe otherwise.  I heard this news just a few days
ago that some pianos labeled "Ibach" from Korea were being passed off as German.  Here is what I have since learned:

The Ibach company of Germany, (who it would now seem to be alive and well), supposedly at one time made a contract with
DaeWoo to make a few low end pianos.  Later DaeWoo went under and these phantom Ibach pianos went out of production.
Apparently the dealer here began hoarding as many as as they could get their hands on, probably at some kind of
liquidation price.  The story then goes that they began passing these off as coming from the German Ibach, and some of
these DaeWoo Ibachs beared "Made in Germany" on them by removing the Korea label.

For the very reasons mentioned Mr. Blees above, I have no intention of getting involved at this time.  I can tell you,
however, that this dealer is likely dirty in many ways.  If I come into a situation in where I become involved with one
of these pianos you can bet your bottom dollar that I will photograph and document everything.  Then if others can
contribute similar material then there might be enough to make a case.  In the meantime buyer beware!

Rob Goodale, RPT

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