Honest people

Brian Holden bholden@wave.co.nz
Tue, 21 Dec 1999 14:30:16 +1300

Hello Clyde

I admire your attitude towards musicians and the supposed correlation
between them and favorable credit ratings.  I have also been in business for
many years, and while I have not been stung too often by non-paying
customers, I have been stung often enough - and also by people who I really
believed would have treated me better.  Before I went out piano tuning, I
worked in two different  music stores over a period of five years and I lost
count of the bad debts that were incurred by musicians when buying
equipment.  As much as I would like to believe you Clyde, I suspect that
your lack of bad debtors is not attributable to your customers, but rather,
to your own good business sense or (dare I say it) - good luck.

Just a thought - Cheers, Brian Holden

-----Original Message-----
From: Clyde Hollinger <cedel@supernet.com>
To: pianotech@ptg.org <pianotech@ptg.org>
Date: Tuesday, 21 December 1999 1:03
Subject: Honest people

>I can also recall only two bounced checks, and that in almost twenty years
>business (twelve of those were part-time).  In both cases there was a
>"situation," and I got my money promptly after phoning the clients.  To
date I
>have lost less than $150 to two clients who refused to pay.
>I was a high school music teacher for seventeen years.  I always felt that
>students caused much less trouble than the general student population.  I'm
>certain there is a direct correlation between involvement with music and
>trustworthiness or good character or whatever, but I've never seen research
>on the subject.  I'm not sure what useful purpose it would serve anyway.
>Clyde Hollinger, RPT
>Lititz, PA, USA
>> The piano industry indeed is one of the best to be associated with. I
>> go on and on, but to this date I have only 2 bounced checks from
customers in
>> 20 years of business.  In fact, I believe piano owners are the best
>> to be associated with.

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