A Puzzler

Richard Brekne richardb@c2i.net
Sun, 19 Dec 1999 23:03:55 +0100

A quick stab. This is a split damper system right ? where the bass section can be
operated independent of the whole damper system ??

If so... then  grin...

1. to much pedal movement allowed for

2. damper lift comes into motion to soon (rod regulated to high)

3. damper stop rail too far back.

Couldnt resist throwing out an off the wall answer.

Richard Brekne
I.C.P.T.G.  N.P.T.F.
Bergen, Norway

Phil Bondi wrote:

> Wurlitzer C-153( Bass Sustain for those who don't know).
> The problem:
> When the Damper Pedal is pressed hard and deep, the Bass Section of the Dampers
> does not come back to the rest position.
> hint:
> The solution involves 3 different things..
> Anyone correctly identifying all three will get....
> "atta boy" or 'girl'! (see, I remembered, ladies!)
> Rook

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