Dishonest Dealers

Richard Brekne
Sun, 19 Dec 1999 22:55:04 +0100

In spite of these facts, the few bad apples that do exist have to be dealt with.
I see no reason for this need to in any way what so ever reflect on all the fine
examples of good dealership, or even those who turn a few weird corners from
time to time.

A rip off artist is just that, and needs to be disposed of. Sometimes we have to
do things, and deal with things that we dont like. Its wonderfull that there are
all those hardworkind family men and women out there..etc etc etc. Its also in
their best interests that such rip off types get busted. So buckled up your
boots and get both feet in it !

Richard Brekne
I.C.P.T.G.  N.P.T.F.
Bergen, Norway

ETomlinCF3@AOL.COM wrote:

> I don't like these discussions that well because we concentrate on a few bad
> dealers and gossip about an industry that, for the most part consists of
> honest, hardworking family men and women that are trying to earn a living
> doing what they love.  I live in Portland Oregon and we have about twelve to
> fifteen dealers of which one or two tend to stretch the truth and act other
> than honest.  I still say that we are in one of the best industries out
> there.  I am proud to be in the "piano" biz.  The few dealers like the one
> described below will eventually meet their judge and I pity the one on that
> day.
> Ed Tomlinson

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