
Owen J Greyling, RPT greyco@kingston.net
Sun, 19 Dec 1999 13:26:21 -0500

> The owner is pretty
> darn good at getting around the law, (sort of an amateur law expert- and
very good at it), and typically is able to tie
> up and drag out any accusations so that it becomes more trouble than it is
worth to pursue.  Since there is no longer a
> German Ibach there is no authoritative company to report it to.


I'm quite sure that I played some very fine, new Ibach grands, at a very
exclusive piano dealership in Toronto this past fall.  These were
instruments with fabulous veneer and finishes in the $90,000.00 range.  

My memory could be going.  Anybody else seen new Ibach pianos?


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