Action sleuthing (was:Re: MX100 Follow-up)

Jon Page
Sun, 19 Dec 1999 08:49:37 -0500

At 12:03 AM 12/19/1999 -0800, you wrote:
>To update the list about the Yamaha MX100 problem (studio upright with

>1 hour of sleuthing and 1 minute of adjustment did the trick. 

Pat yourself on the back !  Great work !
It's always nice to be able to rectify things relatively easily. 

I, on the other hand, am in the middle of rectifying a comedy of errors
made at the factory with subsequent follow-up 'solutions'. Nothing ever
corrected the problem just treated the symptom.  But after 20 years, the 
owner is starting to really enjoy her 'new' piano saying, "I though it was
supposed to play like that, aren't they supposed to have a heavy action?"
Heavy is one thing, restrictive is another.

She is disappointed with the tech who 'patched' a fix and even more
disappointed with the man'f'r for letting it out the door. I told her some
companies have better PR than quality control.

At present, shanks and wips are aligned properly. Next step is to move
the underlevers towards the bass about an eighth of an inch. Unfortunately,
the capstans are still 1/8" off the cushion on the treble side but they need
to be moved slightly forwards and I can drill them slightly off center (since
some are already off-center towards the treble).

Changing to a 16.2 knuckle radius helped some, a 17 mm would have been
better but the fixed action rails do not permit action spread variations. I
forgot to try it but I don't think that a strip of sand paper above the screws
would have shimmed the wip flange center far enough. But that is splitting
hairs, since it regulates well although the jack is still driven into the rest
at the end of the rep lever hence the need to relocate the capstans.

BW has already changed from average 50 to 40 retaining the same SW range.
Moving the capstan will drop it another 4, now if I can only convince her
to change the wippens to turbo wips I can really remove some tonnage from
the front of the keys.

I go on so  . . .

Happy Holidays,

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