bench finish damaged

Clyde Hollinger
Sun, 19 Dec 1999 08:21:07 -0500

Are there others who can verify what Rob is saying here?  I never related my posterior impression on the bench to the use of
furniture polish.

Actually, to avoid leaving such an impression I carry a thick cotton placemat with me and sit on it.  In the worst cases,
though, the texture of the mat will be imprinted on the bench, but that still doesn't look as bad to me as ... the

Clyde Hollinger

Robert Goodale wrote:

> Dave, has the finish become soft?  In other words, can you put a sizable scratch through the finish with your thumb
> nail?  If so this is a strong indication that the owner has been regularly using furniture polish on the surface.  Other
> common evidence of this is that when you sit on it there is a perfect impression of the fabric of your pants right into
> the finish.  If this is the case get the owner to STOP using polish on the piano!  This is the worst thing in the world
> for finishes, a fantastic oxymoron.  It softens the finish badly over time.  In my opinion the stuff should be made
> illegal!!

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