bench finish damaged

Sat, 18 Dec 1999 11:26:48 -0600

Dear Friends,

I have a customer with a 6-month old Chickering grand in satin ebony
finish.  The 2 young daughters have enjoyed playing the piano while wearing
shorts.  The sweat from their legs has caused some damage to the finish of
the bench top.  The finish looks "whitish" in color, and kind of "blurry".
I have tried Cory Satin Ebony Polish, Cory KeyBrite, and Murphy's Oil Soap,
all without discernible change in the finish.

Are there any chemicals or special procedures that you have used
successfully in this type of situation?  I have seen this damage on
numerous occasions but have never tried to do anything about it, because
the customers never asked me to do anything about it before.

Thanks for any and all suggestions.

David Vanderhoofven
Joplin, Missouri

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