hogwash tunings

Fri, 17 Dec 1999 01:15:17 EST

In a message dated 12/16/99 4:34:06 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
Maxpiano@AOL.COM writes:

 I AM the pianist in our house, and with about 3,000 other pianos in my file, 
 it seldom gets tuned.  I complained to my wife that no one writes me a check 
 for tuning it.  To which she replied, "I'll write you a check!"  Somehow, 
 that didn't seem to help.
 Bill Maxim, RPT

I used to always say that I cannot afford myself.  I recently tuned our 
Baldwin Grand which I neglected for over 10 years.  I then put myself down as 
a client on the database, set me up to remind to tune it again in 6 months.  
It is nice to follow my own advice as I would advise my clients.

Dave Peake, RPT
Portland Chapter
Oregon City, OR

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