Perfect eh?/nicely worded

Wed, 15 Dec 1999 16:34:59 EST

In a message dated 12/15/99 3:23:55 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

 Frankly, I cringe when a customer mentions their 'perfect pitch' talents.
 Not because of any challenge that might occur to my work, but because
 usually, that person doesn't understand the generally accepted definition
 for this. More often than not, the person who so implies that they have this
 talent is, by their estimate, the best musician in that household and by my
 estimate, the most obnoxious.
 Merry Christmas and Happy H2K eh?
 Tom Thievin R.P.T. (Canadian Association of Piano Technicians)
Hi Tom:

I second  your comments-and wish I had expressed my sentiments as eloquently.
Bob Bergantino, RPT
Willoughby Hills, Ohio

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