Perfect Pitch

Wed, 15 Dec 1999 00:51:30 EST

In a message dated 12/14/99 4:22:44 PM Central Standard Time, writes:

<< My sister had a strange kind of perfect pitch. She could not tell 
 immediately what a certain note is, but by (in her mind) singing through
 all the scales, she could then note which ones had sharps or flats and
 then could positively identify the note being sounded. this coupled
 with my other research convinces me that tone color is there for those
 who have ears to hear. PS, I don't hear it.
 Jim Coleman, Sr.

What a relief!  I thought I was imagining things since certain frequent 
proponents of HT announced there was no color to ET.  I have perfect pitch (a 
not particularly strong form) and I here different colors for each key in ET.

Andrew Remillard

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