Mimi Drasche

Annedoerfler@AOL.COM Annedoerfler@AOL.COM
Tue, 14 Dec 1999 23:08:28 EST

Dear Friends in the Piano World,
It is with great sadness we note the passing of our dear friend and a staunch 
supporter of PTG and the piano world, Mimi Drasche, on Sunday, December 12, 
1999, at 5 p.m.  Her funeral service will be Thursday, December 16 at 11 a.m. 
at her home church in Ormond Beach, FL, Grace Lutheran Church.  Please 
remember her by sending notes and cards to her dear Fred at 3 Glen Way Apt 
204, Holly Hill, FL 32117.  He is truly lost without her.  His phone is 
904-226-9517.  As you may have guessed, Fred Drasche is not on the Internet!  
Fred and Mimi shared the Golden Hammer Award from PTG in 1992, a beautiful 
symbol of the life they shared for more than 68 years.  It is weren't so 
wrenchingly sad, one might respond to this news of Mimi's death with Fred's 
famous quote, "You gotta be kiddin'".  Now let's rally 'round Fred.           
                       Anne and Richard Doerfler

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