Perfect whistlers
Tue, 14 Dec 1999 23:04:41 EST

If you think perfect pitch is an amazing gift you should meet my uncle. We 
call him uncle Tom and he has a musical gift that no one else in the world 
has. (at least we have not ever seen or heard any one with it yet) Tom can 
whistle 2 notes at the same time in harmony. Not just 2 notes but a full 
song. Not just simple harmony but elaborate harmony up to a 7th apart. Can 
you imagine not just trying to whistle that but trying to think of what your 
trying to whistle? Does anyone know anyone else in the world that can do 
this? Anyone up for the challenge? Maybe we should see if he would perform 
for the convention> Just thought Id let you all know that there are not just 
perfect pitchers out there but perfect whistlers too.
 Bob Page
Staccato's Piano Shop

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