Perfect pitch
Tue, 14 Dec 1999 12:58:09 EST

Yes many people who claim to have perfect pitch do not have it. However I 
have personally met people with perfect pitch being able to sing any note on 
the piano or identify any pitch at any time with no aid whatsoever.  It is an 
amazing gift. Keep in mind that we piano tuners are blessed if we don't have 
perfect pitch. It drives a person crazy to tune a pinao not at A-440 if they 
do have perfect pitch. Refined relative pitch is more helpful for a piano 
Bob Page
Staccato's Piano Shop.

In reference to:< Many people over the years have claimed to me that they 
have perfect 
pitch. When I ask them to be more specific on this, they start to cool off.  
One person when asked what note I was playing on the piano went cold on the 
idea altogether.  To me, having perfect pitch means being able to detect or 
aurally produce a note within a maybe a few beats, but no one has 
demonstrated to me that they can get that close.  I would imagine that 
singers would be pretty accurate, but not perfect.  Any comments?
 Brian Holden   >>

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