P2 mute pedal bracket mount

J Patrick Draine draine@mediaone.net
Mon, 13 Dec 1999 11:43:28 -0500

>You should be able to lift one end up a bit a slide a 2 X 4
>under it.  This should give you clearance for a socket.  Don't
>know what size though.  You also could tip the piano back
>towards a wall, leaning it against the wall...CAREFUL.  That
>might give you space.
>David I.
Thanks to Joe & David for their suggestions. Unfortunately the P2 is on a
piano truck so tilting would be a bit precarious ... I'll go wrestle with
it this afternoon. I'd been told that Yamaha had a wrench to grip the bolt
head when the piano is vertical ... but no details on availablity of the
tool, etc.

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