Ivers and Pond gutted

Richard Moody remoody@easnet.net
Thu, 9 Dec 1999 01:35:06 -0600

I don't suppose anyone is interested in an Ives and Pond upright without
keys or the action.?  The agraffes should be worth two bucks a peice or
$60 for the set.  Looks like the key rail pins are brass.  If the core
wood is wormey chestnut I can sell that by the pound to picture frame
makers.  Or if anyone happens to have an action and set of keys for this
piano let me know..... ric

> Old pianos are wonderful resources.
> Keep as much wood as you reasonably can for use in many ways and
> places.  Keep all the screws.  Burn what you can in the fire place
> (burning finishes are not good to breathe).  Keep a few action parts
> or emergency repairs.  Throw the rest into the trash.  One man's trash
> is another man's treasure.
> 		Newton

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