Tuning Acrosonics

Richard Moody remoody@easnet.net
Thu, 9 Dec 1999 02:09:28 -0600

 - in an instrument with inharmonic partials
the nth root of two is compromised already (if speaking of equal
temperaments); an
instrument with inconsistent inharmonicity asks judgement as far as how it
is to be tempered, down to its smallest intervals (and so why any form of
alternate temperament should not be unfamiliar to a tuner).

Now I see why some say there "is  no such thing as ET"   They theorize and
talk about it so much that when they finally get around to listening to
it, it has already gone out.  ; )  That has a lot do with the fact that 
ET is
the easist to demonstrate deviations.  In the historical temps for example
the pure third or pure fifth has a much wider range before it is deemed

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