
Tue, 7 Dec 1999 21:52:16 EST

Dear Friends and Collegues,

Just when I thought I was invincible and in good heath, last Sunday I was 
hanging outdoor Christmas lights, fell off the latter and broke my left 
wrist. Fortunately I am right-handed but unfortunately it is the busiest time 
of the season and I had a full week schedule.  Doctor ordered me to be off my 
feet for at least week. My wife and I frantically called our customers and 
now scheduled into next week and the week of Christmas, with long hours but 
the season saved. The cast will be put on Friday and hopefully I will back in 
action be then. I guess you can say I am truly humbled.

I will stay on the list but I can only type with one hand right now.

Dave Peake, RPT
Portland Chapter
Oregon City, OR

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