Follow-up on key button mortising

Ron Nossaman nossaman@SOUTHWIND.NET
Sun, 05 Dec 1999 17:19:46 -0600

At 05:08 PM 12/05/1999 -0200, you wrote: 
> Ron, 
> I marred one out of the set, still which upset me a little 'coz these bebbes
> are getting recycled soon. I thought about a hard brass crowbar/rocker with a
> 0.147" slot cut at a slight angle so when the flat bottom of the fulcrum sets
> down, a little pressure is applied to the pin. At least it'd make fewer marks
> than visegrips. And I always seem to hurt my fingers. 
> Clark 

I didn't mean to clamp the jaws directly to the pins. I was thinking of a block
of CA impregnated Delignit, phenolic, aluminum, or brass with a hole the size
of the pin drilled through. Saw the block in two, splitting the hole, and clamp
the halves around the pin with the Visegrip. Whack away. That ought to pull the
pins without marring them at all. Heating the pins a bit with a heat gun should
loosen them up some too, before you start pulling. I remember hearing the
phrase "If it hurts, you're not doing it right", but I'm not sure exactly what
it referred to.  8^)


Ron N

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