Baldwin SF Grand and hazardous environment

Sat, 4 Dec 1999 07:44:41 EST

In a message dated 12/04/1999 6:59:56 AM, Doug wrote:

<<"Plus, when this customer calls me back for the next tuning, I'm 
contemplating saying that do to health reasons I can't work in the 
environment of their home.

Anybody ever do this before?">>

 On three occasions, that I remember, I have done this.  On one occasion I 
wouldn't even stay long enough to tune the piano. Seems the man of the house 
loved to play the piano for his dogs (three dogs) and he kept the piano and 
dogs in a back bedroom. when he opened the bedroom door there were the dogs 
with the piano and the floor was covered with urine and dog droppings....the 
smell was rather "aromatic" don't ya know!!
  I really don't recall 'exactly' what I said but it wasn't 
nice......strange.... he never called back for his tuning :-)
Jim Bryant (FL)

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