What would you do?

Roy Ulrich ulrich@rangenet.com
Thu, 2 Dec 1999 16:39:27 -0600

Bill, thanks. And to everyone else who responded in a friendy, informative,
and professional manner, Thanks to you as well. Now I suspect that I owe the
group an apology. Must have been a long day at the office and my defenses
were on overtime. The debate, (I thought), was about appointing a panel of
PTG members to approve piano brands, models, whatever vs letting the
marketplace decide.)  I had gotten the impression that a couple of people
were trying to infer that PTG was an acronym for "Perfectionists To Guard"
the masses from cheap imports (and Wurlitzers). My statement was that the
PTG designation does not necessarily make one an expert in the field, based
on an earlier post (months ago) by a PTG who obviously didn't know the
correct remedy for wide humidity changes. I never addressed the CA issue.

At any rate, I have been set straight. I need to apologize for any remarks
that may have seemed pointed or acromonious. Almost all of you who responded
did so in a very professional and enlightening manner. I better understand
the difference between the PTG-l (is that Ell or One?) and the pianotech
list and see the need for same.

After your replies, the perceived veil of elitism has been pulled aside and
I thank you, please graciously accept.

To Gina Carter, a separate apology to you for taking up this bandwidth. This
should be the last word on this subject I hope, but also hope you can
appreciate my need to offer the peace pipe to the same people I
misunderstood in the first place. Thank You.

Roy Ulrich
-----Original Message-----
From: Billbrpt@AOL.COM <Billbrpt@AOL.COM>
To: pianotech@ptg.org <pianotech@ptg.org>
Date: December 02, 1999 1:59 PM
Subject: Re: What would you do?

>In a message dated 12/2/99 6:04:52 AM Pacific Standard Time,
><< Unsubscribing because you have arrived at some independent
> conclusions on your part based on erroneous information, while would be
> unfortunate to the Pianotech list somewhat, would ultimately be your loss
> whole bunch. >>
>I'd have to agree with Keith here.  Not joining PTG or not participating
>would be a very small loss for us but a big one for you.

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