John, Since I "sort of" started the discussion about "carpeted acoustics/sound projection, I've been following it with great interest. However, I don't remember seeing anything about the system at Centennial Auditorium. Is it possible to elaborate a little more about it? It sounds interesting. It sounds like it's essentially a Wenger type of system done a different way with a great flair. I'm not familiar with "chroma-key blue". Is it a shade similar to the the normal sky-blue backdrops that are sometimes used on stage? Thanks for anything more you can tell me about it. >The position of the piano on the stage itself makes a big difference. There has >been some discussion of various reflective surfaces here already such as the >portable band shells made by Wenger or the beautiful system they use at the >Centennial Auditorium in Saskatoon Saskatchewan, consisting of >proscenium-high wooden backdrops on casters with curved wooden "tormentors" >flown from the grid and all painted "chroma-key blue" for a spectacular >visual and auditory effect. > John > >John Musselwhite, RPT >Calgary, Alberta Canada > _____________________________________ Avery Todd, RPT Moores School of Music University of Houston Houston, TX 77204-4893 713-743-3226 _____________________________________
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