-=> Quoting Nossaman@southwind.net to Scott E Johnson <=- No> From: Ron Nossaman <nossaman@southwind.net> No> Subject: Re: BASS TO TREBLE BRE No> Check the soundboard crown with a string and flashlight underneath. No> I've found a lot of them flat in this area. Do you get an odd muddy sound distortion on a hard blow No> in this area along with short duration? <insert sound> When I hear that No> sound, I crawl under and check. If it's flat, forget the voicing No> problem! No> P.S. How do you do a real-time sound attachment to E-Mail? No> Ron Nossaman Thanks Ron, Your description of the tone is very good and describes what I have heard in this piano. I will pull a string under the board when I tune her pianos in the fall. I will also have her play the offending notes while I push up on the board to see if the tone changes. I have tried seating the strings on the worst offenders before without any noticeable improvement. Scott Johnson scott.e.johnson@24stex.com ___ Blue Wave/DOS v2.21 [NR]
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