Sat, 15 Jun 1996 19:12:07 -0800

 Le> From: Les Smith <>
 Le> Subject: Re: bass to treble break problem

 Le> tell us where and how the weights should be attached to the bridge in
 Le> the case of a vertical piano? Thanks very much.

Maybe you have seen the Fandrich upr. on display at one of the national
conventions. From the back side of this piano you can observe a large round
weight attached to the soundboard. I don't remember exactly where it was
attached but it may have been near the end of the tenor bridge. You could
contact Del about this. I have seen rebuilders use this on grands. I have
never tried it myself.
I wonder how the tone is, compared to other notes, when the strings are pluck-
ed with a fingernail? If the problem is worse when played than plucked then
perhaps some voicing of the hammer would help.

Bye the way I have a problem with a teachers Kawai grand that I have done an
estimate to do some voicing on. The first 3 or 4 notes above the tenor/treble
plate strut have very bad sustain time when plucked or struck. She has not
mentioned it as a problem but she will no doubt be listening more carefully
after I do the voicing. Any suggestions for me on what I might check to help
these notes sing like their neighbors?

Scott Johnson

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