Hi, Larry - I encountered a case identical to the S&S you described. Can't remember the model, but probably 'O'. In that case, the piano had been moved, sans lid, but dropped a foot or so while commercial movers were handling it. Although there was no way to determine whether the same crack went all the way through the rim, I supposed it did. There were no discernable adverse effects, other than appearance. Since the piano was getting refinished along with complete rebuilding, we bored three vertical holes (5/16" diam?, spaced about 6" on centers?) from the top of the rim to well below the crack. We poured in low-viscosity, slow-curing epoxy (which 'follows' cracks in an amazing way). We then drove in steel rods (known as "drifts" in the wooden ship-building trade), repaired the veneer at the top of the rim, and refinished per usual. Years later, there was no visual evidence of any instability of the structure, nor of the repair itself. I would not embark on such a repair only to cure the crack, which may be inconsequential by itself. But if the opportunity presents, this repair will probably do the job. I would have no qualms owning/rebuilding/selling such a piano. I suppose the piano you describe should be devalued by the cost of the repair. As I recall, it added a day's work to the total project - might have been more had it not been a black piano. The trickiest (and absolutely essential) part of the repair is the making of a drilling jig to guide the drill perfectly vertically; we don't want to make matters worse by drilling near (or, heaven forbid, through) the surface veneers! Best regards! - - Tom McNeil - - Vermont Piano Restorations
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