Dear Friends, After being away on tour for most of the last two months, I have resubscribed, but will unsubscribe again in two weeks when I go off for the summer. First a comment, which I hope will not be taken amiss coming from something of an outsider. I think to preserve the value of the pianotech group - and I can see it is of very great value - people should restrain themselves and not overburden the volume of communications. Replies which are very specific and not of interest to the whole group should be sent to the individual who made the query, not to the entire list. And if the answer is of general interest, maybe before sending it out, check to see if it has not already been well answered by someone else. And perhaps no-one should post more than one message in a single day, unless there is something really urgent that comes up. I say all this because even when I am at home, it becomes really time consuming to wade through such a volume of material. And to repeat (contrary to the principles just stated!) I think that it is unnecessary to repeat the question in the answer. In some cases the same paragraph has been transmitted 4 or 5 times. Perhaps overly long postings like this one should also be banned??? Next a question: what is the propriety of "advertising" things to the list? I have an instrument that is potentially for sale; is it a proper use of the list to post the details? Are you not afraid that like most other media the valuable content will be overwhelmed by advertising? Should rare and unusual items (in my case, a concert grand) and trade tools etc. be allowed, and others not? I had an experience at a recent Montreal concert that may be of interest to you. A very dedicated technician met me at the hall at 11 PM (the only time available in a busy hall) to help prepare for my recital the next afternoon. There was a lot to be done, and we worked together until 3 AM!! (Fear not, I do not demand or expect such extraordinary devotion, but the person in question graciously offered it...) I am a "night owl", but with a concert the next afternoon, I decided to leave at 3 AM but he stayed another hour to finish a few things. When I came back in the morning, I found the keys were terribly slippery. Not all pianists may feel the same way, but I like clean, smooth keys, but enough of a coefficient of friction that when you press firmly, the finger will stay put. To get the idea, you might put a finger firmly on a key and try vibrating from side to side like a violinist; I want to be able to maintain the location, not slide back and forth on the key. I found I had real trouble playing accurately, and couldn't imagine why I had not noticed this the previous night, and wondered whether it was my imagination, or perhaps something I had gotten on my fingers. When the technician showed up again, I asked and found out that after I left he had cleaned the keys with Windex! Obviously not a good idea. So we washed the keys carefully; it didn't help. We sanded them lightly; didn't help. I was ready to consider using one of the other pianos in the hall, when he came up with another idea, which seemed pretty ridiculous to me, but it worked really well and saved the day: he sprayed hairspray on the keys! It actually needed two applications, after which they felt fine, not sticky at all but just enough friction to keep a stable sense of location. Returning to a subject I brought up previously, I keep finding pianos where the sharps go too deep; even if they don't "bury" they are too close for comfort. At one top piano company, with outstandingly well maintained pianos, about two thirds of their instruments were wrong in this respect. A quick fix in this case is to screw the center rail studs on which the action glides up; usually about 3/4 of a turn is enough, unless the keys are really burying quite deeply. If you are sceptical about this, put a touch block on a key and feel the adjoining key as you screw one of the center rail studs up an down. This can of course only be done if they protrude sufficiently from the bottom of the action that they will still be in contact with the key bed, and if there is a fair bit of aftertouch and touch depth, because as you lower the center rail you will reduce both of these. You also have to check that afterwards the action does not knock against the keybed in places, though I have found that if you do the exact same number of turns at each stud and it was not knocking before it usually remains OK. I have heard that this ought never to be done, because it can warp the action frame. I question whether this is true; after all, when fitting the action to the keybed, these studs have to be adjusted anyway, and a half or fuall tunr would not be unusual; and you want a fair bit of pressure on the key bed just to prevent knocking. I would beinterested in reading some comments on this. Anton Kuerti URPT (unregistered piano technician!)
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