
jpiesik@arinc.com jpiesik@arinc.com
Thu, 06 Jun 1996 15:40:09 -0400


    I, too, share your concerns - as I'm sure many others who are witnessing
    this barrage of traffic regarding WD-40 and liquid wrench uses on
    pianos.  WD-40 is bad, bad (for pianos)!  I wouldn't even use it on a
    sticky door lock that is even near a piano (just a little over
    exaggeration)!  I "stick" with the Protek - it's good stuff and it's
    safe when used properly.  Old habits are sometimes hard to break, but if
    you haven't tried Protek yet, "try it, you'll like it!"

    John Piesik
    San Diego Chapter PTG

Stay away from WD-40!  Keep it as far away as possible from the bass
strings!  A local tuner died about 3 years ago and the rest of us have been
getting his customers since.  Bad news. All of the pianos he serviced have
dead bass strings and loose tuning pins.  I couldn't figure this out until
finally one customer told me he caught him spraying the tuning pins with
WD-40 and the customer made him stop.  He didn't know why but he just
thought that wasn't a good idea.  Then after the tuner left he went in with
a rag and cleaned the WD-40 from between the tuning pins.  But it was too
late.  He had also sprayed the bass strings but there was little the
customer could do about that.  Why he did that is beyond me. I recall a
class given by George Defebaugh years ago wherein he made the statement
that WD-40 kills bass strings but Liquid Wrench did not.  Personally, for
the past 5 years or so I've been using Protek to lubricate the bearing
points of strings.  It works for me and has no adverse affect on the bass
strings should a drop or two seep down.  A rule of thumb is to avoid WD-40
anywhere on the piano except maybe the pedals.  Keep it away from the bass
strings and the tuning pins.

   Ted Simmons

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