Hi all, I'm forwarding this post, with permission, from the piano list to get any feedback from y'all (yes, I'm from Texas). It's something I have never come across before and I (and the original sender) would be interested in any comments any of you would like to make. Thanks. >Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 20:01:44 -0400 > >I have a dilemma. My piano (Steinway 'B') has a beautiful tone. The >rebuilder of my piano believes that because of the light hammers he has >installed, the hammer comes off the string very fast. This contributes >to a clear tone. According to him this is not like the modern pianos >which have a much noisier tone. I agree. When I hear someone play my >piano and when I stick my ear over the hammers, it's beautiful. > >But my problem is (I think) because there is such a pure attack, from the >bench I don't get to hear the great tone and I think I'm missing part of >the initial attack. This may be causing me difficulties playing. The >action feels sluggish but I think that it's not the action's fault. If >there was a way for me to really hear the tone the action would feel >different. > >I'm experimenting with objects that would reflect more of the sound to me. >Of course I've removed the music desk. Has anyone thought about this or >have any suggestions or observations on the subject. > >I appreciate your time. > >Mitch _____________________________________ Avery Todd, RPT Moores School of Music University of Houston Houston, TX 77204-4893 713-743-3226 atodd@uh.edu _____________________________________
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