Tue, 30 Jul 1996 09:47:10 -0400

    In response to Rob:

    All we would need is Tuner Police.  Get caught leaving bad unisons and
    you'll get slapped with a hefty fine.  Get caught tuning without your
    tuning license and go to jail.  Tuning while drunk could certainly get
    you into trouble.  And don't tune too fast.  Of course, there will have
    to be new companies that offer Tuners insurance.  And new government
    agencies and regulations.  Can't get a Tuners license without proof of
    insurance.  And, oh, the lines we'd have to wait in at the Department of
    Musical Tuners to take our Tuning tests.  Don't forget about the license
    fee, and be sure to register your tuning hammer - AFTER you have your
    tuning hammer tested at your local state sponsored Tuning Hammer Check
    Center.  Listen to the radio more carefully for the random
    unison-checkpoints set up by your state's Tuner Patrol.  And do you
    think electronic tuners will mind having the "tuning restrictions"
    section of their tuning license marked "MACHINE REQUIRED?"  It'd be just
    a matter of time before somebody establishes a new class of
    folks demanding special rights:  the National Association of Tuners Who
    Use Machines.  Hey Steve, maybe you can use this in the Grand Illusions
    feature of the Journal?

    All in pun,

    John Piesik
    San Diego Chapter PTG

Regarding this aural/machine tuning thing...

Like driver's licences, tuners should carry tuning licences. You
receive your licence by passing the aural tuning exam, and if you use
a machine, you have an attachment to your tuning licence, much like
the attachment you need if you wear glasses on your regular driver's
licence. Maybe you can have different classes of licences, ie:
Class 1: all stringed instruments
Class 2: regular verticals and grands
Class 3: harpsichords, pianofortes
Class 4: spinets and consoles
Class 5: learner's permit, requires an RPT present...

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