Unisons first when in a hurry ( was: Accu-True or False)

Jim Kinnear jkinnear@blue.georgian.net
Mon, 29 Jul 1996 20:56:03 -0400 (EDT)

Dear Avery at al
I agree with your premise of the generally effective practice of prioritizing
the unisons when pressed for time, but one minor ( mercinary, I'll admit ) thing
makes me curious.... Do you change your pricing structure for these special
occasions, or does their often emergency nature, compensate somehow when doing
the 'speedy' version?
Gee, I'm long winded :(    Anyway, you get the idea, and at risk of incurring
the wrath of the anti-trust legislators, what do people pay for a regular,
straightforward tuning in your ( feel free to jump in here, readers ) area ???
Thanks, and best regards; I really appreciate the opportunity to learn from so
many of you out there in radio land, since I am the only tuner for 30 miles in
any direction, and it gets lonely up here, NOT that I'm complaining, mind you;
there are distinct advantages to being the only game in town..............
		         Jim Kinnear, I.P.T.
		      Collingwood, Ont, Canada
		    EMAIL: jkinnear@georgian.net

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