Service scheduling software?
Thu, 30 Nov 1995 10:05:37 -0500

I have been using Piano Service Manager. A MS-DOS program customized and
regurarly advertised in the PTG journal by Dean Reyburn, RPT.  I believe the
program is dBaseIII+, then compiled by another program for increased speed.
 I have been using it for 6 months and have found it to be quite good. It
allows scheduling of up to 12 techs and will show a week at a time in 1/2
hour slots. It is an easy matter to select any week you are intrersted in by
highlighting the date on a 3 month calander that can be brought up at the
touch of a key.  Main drawback is while it can be run from Windows, you can't
readily share info to Windows based programs. There is a merge feature that
allows you to generate report files. I have been succsessful in importing
them into Works for Windows to do word processing.  I suggest getting a demo
from him to see if would meet your needs. His number is: 616/696/0500

David Denison, RPT
Long Island, NY

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