Garlick's "Diatribe"

Thu, 10 Nov 1994 23:59:57 -0400 (EDT)

>From Funk and Wagnall: Guild (gild)  n. 1. In medieval times, an association
of artisans or merchants, formed for mutual aid, etc.

For me, the operative word in the above definition is mutual. I think Bill and
some of the people who have commented on his "Diatribe" would do well to
focus on just that. Not that Bill hasn't raised some good questions about
the focus of Guild activity right now -- goodness knows, the educational
push in the journal, etc. seems to be a bit pedantic as of late. But hey!
This is our organization and we have the responsibility of defining its
nature. How many of us have communicated our feelings to the Executive Board?

In closing, don't give up on the Guild. It's a marvelous organization that
can provide immeasurable support to its members. For one, it provided the basis
for the establishment of this  network. If you feel out of touch with the
administrative agenda right now, try to change it. If, however, you are not
inclined to political activism, don't sweat it. Administrations come and go
with the wind, and so do their political platforms. Use the guild for the
support, exchange of information, and professional comradeship available
through a phone call, computer terminal, or any place where guild members

Ken Sloane, Oberlin Conservatory

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