--Boundary (ID rFbhlH4scwPTjdsR5y48nw) Content-type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII Please delete my Last post and replace it with this one. This is the only way I know of right now to make a correction. My function for finding a frequency of equal- temp should read: frequency = A?*2^(n/12). --Boundary (ID rFbhlH4scwPTjdsR5y48nw) Content-type: MESSAGE/RFC822 Date: Tue, 19 Jul 1994 22:53:00 EST Subject: Great Journal Article Sender: Michael Wathen 556-9565 <WATHENMJ@a1.beta.uc.edu> To: pianotech%byu.edu%external@beta.uc.edu Content-type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII Posting-date: Sat, 23 Jul 1994 16:48:00 EST Importance: normal A1-type: MAIL I have been particulary irritated with the cutsy style that has been the identifying mark of several authors through the last couple of years. I also have trouble with the name dropping that frequently occurs. I feel that these things detract from the professional nature of the Journal. There are also a lot of suttle put downs that get printed. For example, I recently read, in not sure but I believe that it was a recent Journal, where the author said something to the effect of: "well, we can leave that to the Mathemagicians". It's sutle but it is the kind of thing that discourges academic discussions that are really worthwhile no matter how small the audience. In contrast to the above, I agree with Mr. Boone; Kent's article was well worth reading and exemplfies good writing style. I have often heard pianist play this "Chord of Nature" for tuning purposes when preforming with trio or quartet. I also read Mr. Tremper's article. I have the following suggestions: 1). We ought to accept a convention in indicating location of pitches. Fred says "So, take the Accu-Tuner reading of F45,.... For sake of clarity and simpleness we should say F4 etc. Perhaps he uses these key numbers for his function he introduced earlier in the article to calculate the frequencies for equal-temp. Here's another way to calculate frequencies for equal-temp: We can find the frequency of any A simply by multipying by 2^n, where n is the number of octaves; n will have to be negative if we wish to find the frequency of an octave below our A and n will be positive if we are looking for an octave above our A. Next, determine the number of whole steps away from the closest A for which you have the frequency already, then: frequency = A?*2^n. Here n is the number of half steps above or below, negative or positive according to the above mentioned convention. 2). When we employ the same steps over and over again then that should tells us that maybe we could call a function. Again for the sake of clarity and simpleness that's a good idea. Here's the function: Cents = 1200*ln(ratio)/ln(2). Here "ratio" is a variable that is the ratio of frequency from the historical tuning to the frequency of the equal tempered note. "ln" just means natural log, without explanation, its a function key you will find on your calculator. Just some suggestions. Michael Wathen College-Conservatory of Music University of Cincinnati --Boundary (ID rFbhlH4scwPTjdsR5y48nw)--
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