To Danny Boone Copies to Pianotech list Hi, Danny - I don't have a strong personal preference for wither the old or the new paper. But I am strongly persuaded by all the arguments Larry Goldsmith advances in his response to a correspondent in the Letters column of the July PTJ. [That should have been "either", not "wither". Sorry. Easier to explain than edit with this archaic e-mail program.] ______________________________________________________________________ For busy people, there is no such thing as a convenient time for a vacation. That being so, take a vacation exactly when you want to; and let the chips fall where they will, since chips are going to fall in any case. - Wm. F. Buckley, Sr. ______________________________________________________________________ Thomas McNeil (716) 673-3247 voice SUNY Fredonia School of Music (716) 673-3397 FAX Fredonia, NY 14063 E-mail: McNeil@Fredonia.Bitnet or
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