[CAUT] Position Announcement, U. of Northern Colorado

Fred Sturm fssturm at unm.edu
Wed Jul 30 09:26:24 MDT 2008

On Jul 29, 2008, at 1:28 PM, Jeff Tanner wrote:

> And its not like 85 pianos is an easy workload either.  It's too  
> much for one person still.  Add in on-call status for guest artists  
> which turns it into a 7 days a week job, and the pay just doesn't  
> make sense for the skill level and commitment they're looking for.
> Jeff T

	I guess I'll agree the pay isn't exciting, but I will argue that the  
workload is quite reasonable. 85 pianos per FTE is quite low in the  
real world. Average is probably 100 - 160 (some higher, some lower,  
but probably most caut situations are in that range). I handle 80  
pianos at half time, and I think I do an adequate job of maintaining  
standards. Could be better, but could be (and has been) far, far worse.
	About the "on-call" thing, that is the nature of the beast. A caut  
job is not 9 to 5 and never will be, any more than the job of a  
symphony or jazz musician. I'm guessing Northern Colorado doesn't have  
an enormous guest artist load.
	My biggest quarrel would be with the job classification:
Structural trades? really? And that is where the salary range is  

Fred Sturm
University of New Mexico
fssturm at unm.edu

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