[CAUT] The new Mason & Hamlin

johnsond johnsond at stolaf.edu
Wed Jul 23 08:22:41 MDT 2008


Does anyone know more of the story regarding changes in the action parts 
of these new Masons? We just took delivery of a new BB and on quick, 
first inspection from outside the piano they look like Renner parts, but 
they aren't.  It's a Wessell, Nickel and Gross action.  I think the wood 
is maple.  I'm not sure about the hammers. They have blue under felt and 
walnut moldings, but don't feel like Renner Blues.  Is there an 
interesting story behind the change?  The piano is actually quite nice, 
but admittedly I was expecting Renner parts. 


Dennis Johnson
St. Olaf College

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