[CAUT] Forum format (was Re: Requirements for contributing/posting; RPT status

Fred Sturm fssturm at unm.edu
Wed Jul 16 12:55:11 MDT 2008

On Jul 15, 2008, at 11:37 AM, Alan McCoy wrote:

> Unfortunately, I don't have the energy at
> this moment, nor requisite skills, to be the driving force behind the
> project.

	The more I think about this, the more I believe it is a project PTG  
should spend a little money on (maybe just adding it to Ron Berry's  
duties). It seems to me that this has the potential to be a great  
service to the membership, and a magnet for attention to PTG itself.
	The initial idea of creating a way of organizing material from the  
lists' archives is already a very worthwhile project. But it could  
morph into much more, possibly becoming a real Pianopedia. For  
instance, it could serve as place for someone like BIll Shull to post  
materials from his Steinway history project, and a way for people to  
contribute information to that cause. It could be a place for posting  
the results of research into the thousands of piano patents. It could  
be a basic central source of temperament and tuning theory material.
	I believe our organization has a lot of latent talent and energy  
among its disparate and isolated members, and that a project like this  
would harness some of that energy and serve as a focal point. All that  
is needed is a good foundation, some kind of skeleton to build on. A  
lot of us have archived personal collections of material from the  
lists. I'm sure many would be happy to post these collections in  
appropriate categories as a first starting point. And then we could  
see where it led.
	This is aimed directly at the board members who are subscribed to the  
list, in hopes that they might consider taking the initiative.
Fred Sturm
University of New Mexico
fssturm at unm.edu

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