[CAUT] Requirements for contributing - Time to chill?

David Skolnik davidskolnik at optonline.net
Sat Jul 12 11:36:56 MDT 2008

Karen -
I use Eudora as my email client.  I don't know anything about the 
server technology itself.  I receive the list posts individually (not 
in the digest option) and filter them into mailboxes based upon their 
source, ie. pianotech, CAUT, ptg-l, etc., so I keep the various lists 
separate. The way the messages appear to me, I can see the email 
address of each contributor, so I assumed such was the same for 
everyone else.  If that's in fact not the case, I can add my email to 
the signature, but I'll have to increase my rates.

>  I would rather be earning income,
>sailing or dancing.

Paid to sail.  Now that's something to talk about.

Regards -
David Skolnik
Hastings on Hudson, NY
davidskolnik at optonline.net

At 01:09 PM 7/12/2008, you wrote:
>David and others,
>I am not sure what the technology of the listserve that you use 
>is.  But, on another listserve I belong to for sailing, people list 
>their email addresses with their signatures.  That way, if there are 
>specific issues that are personal that members of the listserve want 
>to discuss off the list, they can write to someone specifically, and 
>it doesn't go to the entire list
>Perhaps an approach like that might reduce the amount of discussion 
>for the group on personal issues specific to a few members.

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