[CAUT] Requirements for contributing - Time to chill?

Karen E. Lile klile at pacbell.net
Sat Jul 12 11:09:20 MDT 2008

David and others,
I am not sure what the technology of the listserve that you use is.  But, on
another listserve I belong to for sailing, people list their email addresses
with their signatures.  That way, if there are specific issues that are
personal that members of the listserve want to discuss off the list, they
can write to someone specifically, and it doesn't go to the entire list
Perhaps an approach like that might reduce the amount of discussion for the
group on personal issues specific to a few members.
You stated the option of 
<else we should recognize the potential of Kendall's contribution (to the

discussion) and allow him the 'guest' status he requested. >
That would be most gracious of you all if you were to welcome Kendall's
contributions on his own merit, and not require him to wear "New Jersey"
license plates just yet.  And I am sure that if you don't want Kendall's
contributions, he will gracefully leave and not bother you all.  
You also said:
<that this discussion is more appropriately had on ptg-l, with which I 

agree...except for a few things. First, in theory, Kendall can't 

participate, as a non-ex-member, though Karen, I believe 

could.  Perhaps a waiver could be granted.>
Perhaps if the PTG is interested in reconnecting with former RPTs (including
but not limited to Kendall), they can begin by granting 
them participation on the PTG listserve.  If those who "are on the outside"
have an opportunity to get to know all the wonderful
folks in the PTG, then wouldn't they be more likely to become members again?
If, however, on a former member's first attempt to reconnect with 
other PTG members after many years of being absent, they are immediately
told that they must rejoin and their professional competency 
is questioned in a public forum because they don't happen to be a member, I
don't think that is a very inspiring invitation to rejoin.  In Kendall's
he just "got here" less than a week ago.  As for me, I am a PTG member, but
not a technician or aspiring technician. Other than organizational
I would have far less to contribute than Kendall does.
I think, as you said, the issue is complex and that these issues have been
with the PTG for a long time.  Perhaps
the pertinent things have already been said by all, to outline the issues.
If enough people feel that policy
changes are worth discussing in the PTG, I am willing to contribute, if
asked, with suggestions and my experiences of how
things are done in other organizations.  But, I am not motivated to press
people to do things they don't want
to do. And I don't want to lobby for changes in the PTG that the membership
doesn't want.  I would rather be earning income, 
sailing or dancing.
Karen Lile
 <mailto:kl at pianofinders.com> kl at pianofinders.com 
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