[CAUT] Thoughts on being a Guild member or "non-member."

Israel Stein custos3 at comcast.net
Fri Jul 11 19:27:51 MDT 2008

At 03:24 PM 7/11/2008, Kendall Ross Beane wrote:

>They have already passed the test and achieved the RPT status, and 
>you cannot deny that the Guild makes a big deal of that status. But 
>then the Guild revokes the status over the issue of dues 
>non-payment, which is sort of like using a cannon to swat a fly, or, 
>if you don't accept that analogy, then it is raising the act of dues 
>nonpayment (for whatever reason) to the level of a crime of moral 
>turpitude. -You pick.

My, my....  such flights of rhetoric...

Kendall, the PTG has dealt with this issue some years ago. Current 
policy is that up to a certain number of years an RPT whose 
membership lapsed due to dues non-payment can regain the RPT status 
simply by paying the back dues - without retaking the exams. I think 
another catch is that the exams have to still be current...  So you 
see, the PTG does consider your predicament to be a problem and has 
devised a remedy for it that perhaps does not do you any good - but 
does help current RPT members avoid your fate. So before ascribing 
the basest possible motives to the PTG for your predicament you might 
simply conclude that back in your time the PTG had not yet figured 
out a satisfactory solution to the problem, one that balances the 
interests of individual members against the goals and needs of the 
organization. We kept working on it, though. Why is it that 
organizations are expected to be perfect, while individuals demand to 
be given all kinds of slack?

And perhaps you might consider a somewhat less expansive writing 
style if you expect to reach a wider audience - most of us do not 
have hours to plow through 3000 word messages consisting mostly of 
rhetorical flourishes...  Your prose is admirable and in a different 
context I might enjoy reading it, but there is only so much time one 
can devote to reading e-mail lists and there are greater priorities...

Israel Stein

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